Sunday, August 26, 2007


One problem with Renton that I'm really having a hard time getting used to is the water. The water just isn't as good as it was in Bellevue, or in Seattle. The only place that I can think of with worse water is Mercer Island (that place was horrid).

The water here has way too much clorine taste. If it wasn't for my trusty water filter, I'd be forced to drink bottled water. Even ice cubes taste a bit tainted, which becomes obvious when my ice water warms up to room temperature. Letting it sit for a hour or so helps, but then you have ok tasting flat water.

All in all, it's a minor problem, but it's one that is bothersome. If you are in a similar situation, and you want a larger scale filter, say something that can work in a rented apartment, I would recommend checking out Aquasana, which I first used on Mercer Island. It's cost benefit split is quite nice, and it runs fairly fast.

Hopefully this is a temporary problem, and Renton's water will be improving in the near future. If not, I will need to keep buying filters, and finding out what is going on!


irlk said...

ooo...I agree. Except that the worst tap water is in Iowa City!

Anonymous said...

2009 Water Quality Report ishere...

Page #2 is probably what you'd be interested in.

Report water quality problems to 425-430-7400 between 7:00am-3:30pm.

Anonymous said...

The URL was clipped off in my prior comment...

Anonymous said...

Sorry - still being clipped off. Just go to the and type "water quality report" into the search box.